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Angela Abshier:
Angela is an accomplished collaborative and purpose-driven marketing executive and business operations leader with a career spent developing and activating brands, opening markets and designing innovative B2C & B2B marketing and experiential strategies. Uniting commercial, creative and leadership skills to align business operations, customer journey, messaging and external partnerships to capitalize on current and emerging trends, build a holistic brand experience and loyal community. She has designed, built and launched products ranging from slot machines to digital games. Sail to Shelter was born in response to the gross disparity between having to step over homeless people outside her door in downtown LA to get to race a yacht. She now lives in Santa Cruz where you can always find her near, in or on the water. She is fully committed to reducing the impact of sailing.
Ryan Ginsburg:
Ryan has a degree in environmental policy from Binghamton University and has spent over a decade doing regenerative environmental and hands-on community organizing. Through the nexuses of agriculture, landscape restoration, and industrial sustainability, he has connected communities to otherwise wasted resources, educated groups on land management practices, and undertaken novel research initiatives. In the past few years, his practice of experimental archaeology has melded with his unwavering approach to addressing environmental and social inequity to inform his understanding of basic human needs. Ryan spends much of his time in the woods and expansive landscapes, deepening his connection to place.